20 ft. x 8 ft. Garden Building Plastic Shed
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- made in America
- Warranty period—3 years warranty
Lifetime's 20-foot West Garden Building not only offers superior strength and durability, but it also has an attractive appearance and design that accentuates the beauty of your backyard. Doors are conveniently and centrally located, making it easy to access your storage space without having to crawl over things to access items stored behind. Innovative design and durable construction create the perfect solution for your storage needs.
- Sturdy steel construction
- Attractive appearance and design
- Double-wall high-density polyethylene (HDPE) construction
- Heavy-duty steel trusses provide additional roof strength
- Low maintenance design
- UV protection to protect against weather damage
- High-slope roof quickly drains rain and snow
- Lockable reinforced steel door for added security
- Non-slip high-density polyethylene (HDPE) flooring resists oil, solvents and stains
- Skylights allow natural light to illuminate the interior
- Customizable shelving and storage systems
- 10 year limited warranty
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