8' wide x 7' 4" deep plastic storage shed
8' wide x 7' 4" deep plastic storage shed
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- Free shipping worldwide.
- Fast Money Back – 100% Money Back Guarantee
- made in America
- Warranty period—3 years warranty
What's included?
- 5 built-in shelves/shelves
- ventilation
- 1 window
- ground
- sky light
- shed
- double door
- door lock
- Base
- Includes 3 small skylights, 5 shelves, corner shelves with 2 nail strips
- High pitched roof provides internal headroom and rapid external drainage
- Screened vents provide airflow and help keep pests out
- Shatter-resistant polycarbonate windows can be opened half-open for increased ventilation
- Steel-reinforced high-density plastic construction provides a durable and low-maintenance structure
- Tall arched steel-reinforced door creates an opening that can pull in a lawn mower or accommodate large patio furniture
Product Details
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