Factor 8 ft wide x 11 ft deep resin storage shed
Factor 8 ft wide x 11 ft deep resin storage shed
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- Free shipping worldwide.
- Fast Money Back – 100% Money Back Guarantee
- made in America
- Warranty period—3 years warranty
What's included?
- 2 built-in shelves/shelves
- ventilation
- 1 window
- ground
- sky light
- shed
- double door
- door lock
- Base
- High arched wide double doors
- Made from polypropylene resin plastic and steel for durability - won't peel, rot or rust, and requires no painting
- Stylish wood texture in neutral tones to match any home
- Skylights let in natural light and ventilate to promote air circulation
- Lockable latches (lock not included)
- solid floor panels
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